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 Doctor Tazz



Through your most challenging infertility and pregnancy loss struggles, DoctorTazz is here to help you release fears, silence shame, and maximize your faith when there is no evidence of a happy ending!

DoctorTazz knows first-hand how painful and embarrassing infertility and pregnancy loss can be from her experiences. However she also knows first hand specific strategies to no longer be fragile victims of infertility and loss, but fearless and victorious fertility warriors!

It is her personal mission to build hope and bring joy to others through vulnerably and compassionately connecting with others on this journey. She provides resources, coaching, and fertility facts that allow your Faith to truly encounter God’s Favor.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

Maya Angelou


An incredibly honest, heartfelt, and deeply moving account of such a long and difficult physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. Dr. Tazz shares her and her family's story with such authenticity and transparency that you cannot help but viscerally feel grief and joy. Her faith and courage, and her family's love and faith, is astounding and an inspiration.

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As Seen & Heard On…

Guardian Radio 96.9
Word Radio 88.3 FM
More 94 FM
WOKM Radio
Bahamas Sunrise
The Tribune

The Secrets Of Faith Infertility


A vulnerable infertility journey shared to build hope and bring joy to women and couples facing infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss while clinging on to their faith.


Let’s Build Hope & Bring Joy Now!

The Secrets of Faith INfertility

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